Monday, September 26, 2011

Arabic belly dance styles

Let's see what styles of Arabic dance, there are .
Separation of the styles on probation. We can distinguish four basic styles:

  • Native Belly Dance "original style". Depending on the country of origin, as is the Egyptian style, Lebanese style, Turkish style, etc.

  • Tribal / Interpretive / Transitional (Tribal / interpretative / Transition), and synthesized the American style (American Fusion)
    This is a western style, born in America. Originally it was even equated with stripping, which, of course, is absolutely not true. This was due to the fact that the suit was at the time of creating the style is very open and sexual. The second reason - the dance was originally performed in cabarets. In the Tribal areas are the following - American Tribal belly dance, New Age Tribal, Neo Tribal, Tribal Fusion belly dance

  • Folkloric Dance here come inside "authentic" dance and interpretive. Also here you can add and group dances, and other Bahraini women. For example, Guedra, Ouled Nail, khaleeji, Ghawazi. We can say that Folkloric Dance close to ethnic or tribal groups, with some image, close to the ground.

  • Folkdance - mostly group dances, with some features specific to each country. They are steps that run under typical music. Forms of these steps are similar all over the country, at the same time, they can be different. According to these differences in performance can be defined not only the age of the dance, but also a place where he was born. These dances are lively, new steps and ligaments are constantly replenish the dance.

At the current time there are about a dozen high school Arabic dance, it's Egyptian, Pakistani, Turkish, Thai, Jordan and Bosvaniyskaya, as well as Aden and Bhutan. That's not counting the hundreds of small! At school, about 50 major types of Arabic dance.

Turkish style belly dance belly is very characteristic of a certain artistry and eroticism. Perhaps this was because the style originated in the harems.
Egyptian belly dance style characterized by complete relaxation, self-absorbed. To dance is characterized by a complex pattern and small vibration.

Lebanon School trying to link the Egyptian and Turkish style.

But what to say! Every school, every style Arabic belly dance has its own characteristics, their movements, their special beauty. Take a look at this video Arabic belly dance :

This article is translate from russian blog. Read it on russian. For translate i used google translate. Thanks!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

History of arabic dance

History of Arabic belly dancing has its roots far back in time. Even in the ancient temples of Mesopotamia there were murals depicting people dancing. It's a pity that in those days there was no video recording technology.
Some researchers believe that belly dance is a kind of ritual preparation for childbirth. Leave the validity of this statement on the conscience of these researchers, but of course, belly dance has a powerful effect on the internal organs of women. Massaging literally every cell. This kind of massage help improve perfusing internal organs, and it certainly will affect the improvement of pregnancy. Stimulation of abdominal muscles keeps them in good tone, and to give birth elastic abdominal muscles are very important.
Returning to the history of Arabic belly dancing. Until the late 19th century about belly dance in Europe knew very little. Only in the 80's dance of Salome has become extremely popular. Of course, the Puritan mores of the time affected both on the dance and the costume for him. Long dress hid the body of a dancer, but emphasized the headscarf line thighs.
That all changed Toda, when it took over Hollywood. Brightness, effects, eroticism - are the main principles of the filmmakers. The abdomen was opened, embroidered bodice and waist. Much attention has been paid to dance with a handkerchief. Which is understandable. Shawl distract attention from the movements of a dancer. And it was to be done to hide the "clumsiness" of dancers. For in order to reflect the beauty of Arabic belly dancing, required more than one year of employment. And so much time just was not a "dream factory".
Interest in belly dancing once established, is not lost and to this day. And the interest in men who like smooth, sexy, exciting movement of dancers. And women who learn to control the body, control it in motion expressing anything "feminine" virtue, joy, fear, love.

This article is translate from russian blog. Read it on russian. For translate i used google translate. Thanks!